
Using AI to Streamline the Recruiting Process

Source, screen, engage, and communicate with candidates faster

April 14, 2024

In an era where approximately 72% of resumes go unseen by human eyes, the need for change is undeniable. Luckily, newly mature AI and automation are transforming the traditional, time-consuming tasks of recruiting into more efficient and effective processes. This shift allows recruiters to focus on what they do best: connecting with and evaluating candidates on a human level.

At Humanly, we’ve worked with many of the top high-volume hiring teams to humanize their hiring process, enabling both talent acquisition teams but also recruits to do their best work by automating connections and insights throughout the hiring funnel. 

In this guide, we’d like to provide a basic primer on how we’re seeing AI injected across the hiring process. The aim here isn’t to reduce head count, or to showcase AI doing a “better” job than its human counterparts. It’s to show how overstretched teams are clawing some of their time back to do their best work. 

So where are we seeing AI fit into the recruiting process to provide the most value? 

Sourcing Candidates: Transforming the Hunt for Talent

Sourcing candidates has always been a major time-consuming task for hiring teams. Traditionally, this involves manually sifting through a vast number of resumes, scouring job boards, and navigating social media platforms. The challenge doesn't stop at volume; it's also about the risk of missing out on ideal candidates due to the overwhelming flood of applications or inherent biases that can cloud judgment.

What’s different now? 

Automation powered by AI is now capable of analyzing large sets of data — from resumes to candidate databases. But it's not just about filtering through existing applications; AI extends its reach to passive candidates who haven't even applied yet, by analyzing profiles across various platforms.

Key AI talent sourcing benefits:

  • Precision Matching: AI targets candidates based on specific parameters set by recruiters, alongside evolving learning algorithms.
  • Efficiency at Scale: Capable of processing vast amounts of data quickly, identifying top candidates efficiently.

The introduction of AI into the sourcing process marks a significant shift. Automated screening filters out candidates based on predefined criteria, significantly reducing the manual workload. This allows recruitment teams to focus their energies on candidates who are more likely to be a good fit. Moreover, AI's dynamic learning capability means that the system continuously refines its search parameters based on feedback and successful hires, ensuring that the sourcing process becomes more accurate over time.

Putting humans at the center of the process

In the new era of recruiting, AI provides a shortlist of pre-screened, qualified candidates, but the story doesn't end there. Human recruiters then take the baton, engaging with these candidates through personalized outreach. This collaboration ensures that while AI handles the initial legwork, the crucial human elements of intuition, empathy, and cultural fit assessment are not overlooked.

  • Recruiter Engagement: Human recruiters engage with AI-selected candidates, adding a personal touch to the automated process.
  • Strategic Focus: Teams spend more time on meaningful interactions with promising candidates, enhancing the quality of the recruitment process.

The integration of AI in sourcing is about empowering recruiters, not replacing them. By automating the initial stages of candidate discovery, AI allows recruiters to apply their irreplaceable human expertise in building relationships and evaluating the nuanced aspects of candidate fit. As we move forward, the synergy between AI and human insight is set to redefine the efficiency and effectiveness of the recruiting pipeline.

Screening Candidates: Navigating the Resume Deluge

The initial screening of candidates is a daunting task for recruiters, who often find themselves buried under hundreds of resumes for a single job posting. The stark reality is that about 75% of these resumes are never seen by human eyes, a statistic that underscores not just the inefficiency of the traditional process but also the missed opportunities — many potentially perfect candidates slip through the cracks simply because of the sheer volume.

What’s different now?

This is where AI-backed technologies come into play, revolutionizing the way we approach the screening process. By leveraging a library of pre-defined questions tailored by the business, or those proven effective across multiple companies, AI can engage with candidates on a large scale, around the clock. This isn't just about filtering resumes; it's about interactive engagement that assesses candidates more holistically.

Innovative AI Features:

  • Machine Learning: Automates the resume-screening process, learning from each interaction to improve future screenings.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): Enables AI to understand and communicate with candidates in a natural, conversational manner.

The use of machine learning means that AI systems get better over time, refining their screening criteria based on successful hires and evolving job requirements. Meanwhile, NLP and cognitive services allow for a more natural interaction with candidates, making the screening process not just faster but also more candidate-friendly.

Transforming the Recruiter's Role:

By automating the initial screening, AI does more than just speed up the process; it fundamentally changes the role of the recruiter. Freed from the time-consuming task of sifting through resumes, recruiters can now focus their attention where it's most needed: engaging with pre-qualified candidates, delving deeper into their qualifications and fit during subsequent steps like technical screens or writing tests.

The Human-AI Synergy

In this new model, AI handles the heavy lifting of initial candidate screening, while human recruiters take on a more strategic role. This partnership doesn't just alleviate the workload for recruiters; it also ensures that candidates receive more timely and personalized interactions, improving the overall experience and efficiency of the hiring process.

The integration of AI in candidate screening represents a significant leap forward, turning a traditionally cumbersome process into an efficient and effective operation. By allowing AI to take care of the initial legwork, recruiters can invest their time more wisely, engaging with candidates who are most likely to succeed, and ultimately, contributing to a more strategic and human-centric hiring process.

Engaging with Candidates: Beyond the Top Pick

How do you make time for hundreds of candidates? Alone, you can’t.

Recruiters, juggling numerous tasks, often find themselves able to engage only with those few candidates moving forward in the hiring process. Yet, consider the typical scenario where 250 candidates apply for a single position: only one will secure the job, leaving 249 potential talents on the sidelines. This situation presents not just a challenge but a significant opportunity to maintain engagement with these individuals, transforming them into future prospects or even advocates for the company.

What’s different now?

Maintaining a relationship with candidates who don't make the final cut is crucial for several reasons. First, today's runner-up could be tomorrow's perfect fit for a different role. Second, a positive candidate experience, even for those not hired, can enhance your company's reputation, turning these individuals into brand ambassadors. They might recommend your company to peers or even become your customers, depending on your industry.

Leveraging AI for Better Engagement:

  • Personalized Communication: AI can help manage and personalize communication with all candidates, ensuring they feel valued and stay informed, regardless of their status in the current hiring cycle.
  • Feedback and Improvement: Implementing AI tools to gather and analyze feedback from candidates can lead to improvements in the recruitment process and overall candidate experience.

By employing AI to automate follow-ups and maintain engagement, recruiters can ensure that every candidate receives attention and feels respected throughout the process. This approach not only builds a talent pool for future openings but also fosters a positive image of the company.

The Human Touch in a Digital World

While AI can significantly enhance the efficiency and scope of candidate engagement, the human touch remains irreplaceable. Personalized messages, understanding responses, and genuine interest can turn a standard recruitment process into an exceptional one. The goal is to blend AI's efficiency with human empathy to create a candidate engagement strategy that is both scalable and sincerely engaging.

In the competitive landscape of talent acquisition, engaging with candidates beyond the immediate hiring need is a strategy that pays dividends. By harnessing AI to support and scale these efforts, recruiters can build lasting relationships with a broader talent pool, ensuring that no potential future star is overlooked. This not only enhances the recruitment pipeline but also strengthens the company's brand and market presence.

Interviewing insights: candidate assessment on (legal) steriods

In the traditional interview process, valuable nuances and insights can be lost in the shuffle as recruiters and hiring managers juggle multiple candidates and roles. However, imagine transforming this process into a strategic asset using advanced technology. 

What’s different now?
The use of AI-enabled copilots like Humanly’s Interview Assistant can monitor interviewing for trends and pipe observations directly back to ATS scorecards. Areas where interview assistants help the most include: 

  • Comprehensive Analysis: NLP technology examines not just what is said, but how it's said, capturing nuances in tone, pace, and sentiment that might elude even experienced interviewers.
  • Consistency and Bias Reduction: By providing objective metrics and analyses, NLP helps mitigate unconscious biases, ensuring a fairer and more consistent interview process.
  • Seamless Integration with ATS Systems:

The real magic happens when these insights are seamlessly integrated into Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). This integration allows for:

  • Data-Driven Decisions: Interview insights are directly piped into ATS systems, providing recruiters and hiring managers with a holistic view of each candidate.
  • Efficient Review Processes: Teams can quickly access and review key moments and metrics from interviews, streamlining the decision-making process.
  • Enhancing the Interview Experience:

With Interviewing Insights, the interview process becomes more than just a conversation; it's a data-rich experience offering:

  • Targeted Feedback: Candidates can receive more detailed and constructive feedback based on objective analysis, enhancing their experience and development.
  • Continuous Improvement: Recruiters and hiring managers gain clear insights into their interviewing styles, helping them refine their techniques and approaches.

The Human-AI Synergy

While AI provides the analytical horsepower, the human element remains central. Recruiters and hiring managers can use AI-generated insights to guide deeper, more meaningful conversations and follow-ups. This synergy between AI and human intuition ensures that the recruitment process is not just efficient but also empathetic and personalized.

Interviewing Insights represents a significant leap forward in recruitment technology. By combining the analytical depth of NLP with the human-centric approach of traditional interviewing, this feature set promises to transform interviews from routine conversations into strategic components of the hiring process. The result? A more efficient, fair, and insightful assessment of candidates, paving the way for better hiring decisions and stronger team compositions.

In the rapidly evolving world of recruitment, the integration of AI and automation is not just a trend but a transformative force reshaping every step of the hiring process. From sourcing candidates to engaging with them, from the nuanced analysis of interviewing insights to the final stages of reference checks, technology is enhancing the efficiency, fairness, and depth of recruitment strategies.

However, amidst this technological revolution, the human element remains more crucial than ever. AI and automation serve not to replace, but to augment the irreplaceable human touch that lies at the heart of recruitment. By freeing up recruiters from the time-consuming tasks of sifting through applications and conducting initial screenings, AI allows them to invest more deeply in what truly matters: building connections, understanding candidates on a deeper level, and making informed decisions that benefit both the company and the candidates.

As we look to the future, the synergy between AI's analytical capabilities and human intuition promises a more dynamic, inclusive, and effective hiring landscape. Organizations that embrace this balanced approach will not only streamline their recruitment processes but also enhance their employer brand, attract top talent, and ultimately, drive their business forward in increasingly competitive hiring pools.

Reach out today if you’d like to explore how Humanly can help you reinvent applicant sourcing, screening, engagement, and insights at scale. 

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